Your Own Day

Happy New Year!  

I’ve been having fun digging for songs that I never shared, little demo gems that I thought I might do something with one day.

Here is the latest song for you to listen to:  In Your Own Day

Every artist cycles through 3 phases:  creation, release and rest.  Like many artists, in my life, I got stuck in creation. While I was efforting to “fund” my “music habit” with my other skills and talents, I kept creating songs to keep my spirit bright, waiting for the day I would figure out how to “get my music out there.”

Well that day is here!  These songs are coming to you unpolished and as they are.  Because it is time…

This song, Your Own Day, feels like a prayer, like a love song to Self. I hope you like it!  Listen here.

Much love and another song soon,


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