In March about ten years ago, I was doing a photoshoot for an upcoming voice workshop I was teaching. Reuben and I were in the woods at Buntzen lake near Coquitlam. Reuben had the idea to capture a shot of me singing the sound “AH” into the air, side profile. It looked good.
Having studied yoga teacher training and sound healing, I was familiar with the vowel sounds for the chakras. AH is the sound of the heart chakra. It is said that yogis in meditation actually “saw” the geometric patterns and heard the sounds for each chakra.
Suddenly, it began to hail all around me. I continued singing AH into the air as hail fell before my face. If you are familiar with the work of Masuru Emoto, water crystals can take many shapes and forms, like snowflakes. There are a myriad permutations of water crystals, all dependent on the environment they are in. So, it didn’t surprise me at first to see such a crystal on the trail at my feet. However, I quickly realized that the hail all around me was falling in little bullets, like regular hail. Why this one little crystal then?
I waved Reuben over to grab a quick shot of the water crystal before it melted.

Looking at it more closely, I realized something incredible. It was not a snowflake. It was a piece of hail that had been transformed by my vocal toning. If you look closely at this photo, it is a Star of David. Two triangles interlocking, one pointing up and one pointing down. The other pieces of hail were regular non-descript blobs. But this one had been toned into a Star of David. Yes – this one was a physical representation of the “AH” I had been singing.
I shook my head in disbelief. The geometric shape of the heart chakra seen in meditation by yogis is a Star of David.
The heart is the place where sky and earth meet, where downward and upward energy flow into balance. The heart is the centre of the universe, the meeting place of everything.
What message was I being given? I thought about it.
The vibration we put out directly affects our physical world. Since humans are made of more than 75 % water, sound vibration around us literally creates our body. What a beautiful message to carry as I was about to guide a group of students in voice practice!
I wanted to show you the Star of David I created ‘by mistake” as it reminds me that I have a responsibility as a vocalist and music-maker to put good vibrations out into the world.
This is my dedication and my life’s work: many, many hearts opening. Many voices singing. Many stars shining!
Please check out my recordings – and stay tuned!
– Zoey